The Story of the Logo
One of the very first Creative Leadership acts were the marks made by early humans. Harnessing the natural pigments from their environment, our ancestors used their hands to mark the earth and rocks that surrounded them. In this way, they captured and communicated their stories; they made sense of their world.
Sticky handprints, finger paintings, building sandcastles, making mud pies…all of us, as children, are born with an innate curiosity and creativity. Before speech develops, we delve into the physical world and find ways to make our mark. It is how we begin to recognise the impact we have, how we start to communicate with others. As we grow, our curiosity can become cloaked by convention and our creative sparks may become dulled by the trappings of adulthood and everyday life.
My logo is a daily reminder for me to keep creativity at the heart of my approach to leadership and to share that philosophy with others.